*You will find a downloadable ‘Maintaining poker Focus’ cheat sheet at the end of the article.
One of the most important things I’ve learned in all the years of playing poker is that you must always stay focused to be a winning player.
If you are distracted, you’ll miss crucial information about your opponents.
I regularly checked my phone, read the news, or watched movies when I started playing poker. It wasn’t long before I realized how much this was costing me!
To fix this, I multi-table as many tables as possible, so I didn’t have time to do anything else except focus on poker. However, this wasn’t a good solution because I am not a good multi-table player. The maximum number of tables I can profitably play is 2.
Fortunately, some other methods helped me stay focused on the game.
You Need To Create a Distraction-Free Environment

It would help if you first created an area where you can play without interruptions, whether live or online. Distractions like mobile phones, open browsers, belly pain, social media, children, and wives can cost you a lot of money.
Don’t get me wrong.
I don’t mean you should get rid of your family, but make them aware that this is daddy’s time, and they shouldn’t disturb you.
One thing that has worked for me is having a dedicated spot for poker. When I sit there, I know it’s time to focus, and my family also knows it.
When it comes to online games, it’s also about minimizing distractions on your computer:
- Close extra browser tabs,
- silence your phone,
- and block social media. Some apps can close all the distractions for you, or you can use the dnd mode on your computer.
In live games, you sit in a comfortable chair, avoid too much chatter with other players, and make sure you’re not checking your phone every five minutes.
A Pre-Game Routine Will Put You In a Poker Mode
A pre-game routine helps me get into the right mindset before a session:
- I take a few minutes to relax, clear my mind, and remind myself to focus on every hand. Then, I plan which games to play, clean the desk, get some water, and start playing.
- I wear comfortable clothing for live games and sit in a comfy chair.
Some people might listen to music or review notes on their opponents.
The point is to ensure that your subconscious mind is aware that it’s time to focus only on poker and that the conditions are perfect for this.
Consistency is vital, so stick to it once you find a routine that helps.
Practice Mindfulness and Meditation Before Sessions or Every Day
If you’ve never tried Mindfulness, it’s a game-changer for poker and life. Being mindful means staying present in the moment, which is critical for maintaining focus at the table. When you’re mindful, you’re less likely to get lost in past and future problems, or any other thoughts. The only thing you have to think about while playing poker is POKER!
Meditation. I practice deep breathing before the sessions, during breaks, or even while playing online games. It sounds simple and strange at the same time, but it helps. Deep breathing resets your mind, even in high-pressure situations. It works like a perfect diet for your brain and enables you to stay focused during the sessions.
When on the break, spend five minutes meditating:
- Breathe deeply in and out, focusing only on the breath.
- When you start thinking about anything other than your breath, reset and go back to focusing only on the breath.
Starting meditating was a massive game changer in my poker life and everyday life.
Over time, these exercises have made me more aware of my thoughts and emotions, helping me manage tilt and stay calm.
Physical Fitness and Nutrition
It’s easy to overlook, but physical health dramatically affects how well you focus. I notice a big difference in my concentration when I eat well, exercise regularly, and get enough sleep.
Before long sessions, I eat light, healthy meals and stay hydrated. The day before a session, I go for a run.
Your body plays a vital role in how well your brain performs at the table. Take care of it.
Analyze Hands in Real-Time
One of the best ways to stay engaged in the game is to analyze hands actively, even when you’re not directly involved.
Think about what other players are doing all the time, even if you are not in the hand.
Put them on ranges and see which positions they are playing from and how often.
Are they betting too much or too little?
I think through every situation, asking myself what I’d do if I were in the hand. This keeps my brain working and helps me pick up on patterns from my opponents.
Listening to classical or jazz music helps me stay focused, especially during long sessions.
For me, calm, instrumental music works best. It blocks out background noise (in case you have kids ;)) and helps me stay in the zone. The right playlist can really help you get into a flow, but make sure it improves your focus, not takes it away.
Don’t Play Poker When Tired
I wish I had followed this rule from day one: don’t play poker when you’re tired.
I know squeezing in a session after a long day is tempting, but I’ve learned that tiredness is the rival of concentration. When you’re tired, you can’t focus, your concentration drops, and mistakes start adding up.
If I’m not feeling 100%, I either take a break or call it a day. There’s always another game, but you only have one bankroll, so save it. However, there are exceptions, and this is where my last staying-focused advice comes into play:
If You Can’t Quit Drink Coffee
if I am tired but I can’t quit because it’s an expensive MTT and I am deep in a tournament, walking away isn’t an option. The last thing I want is to lose a chance of winning a big tournament.
That’s where coffee comes in.
When I feel myself getting overtired but need to power through, a cup of coffee can be a lifesaver. I don’t drink coffee regularly, so it boosts my energy and helps me refocus really fast. Along with coffee, I make sure to drink plenty of water.
Poker is a game of decisions.
The best decisions come from paying attention. By removing distractions, setting yourself up with a solid pre-game routine, and staying mindful, you’ll find that your focus—and your results—start to improve.
Download the Maintaining Poker Focus Cheet Sheet

What are your tips for staying focused at the table?