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High-Low-Split Poker, Seven-Card Stud and Omaha Eight-Or-Better for Advanced Players, by Ray Zee-Book Review

7.9 Total Score

The concept of this book is an exciting idea. Both sections of high-low-split poker seven-card stud and Omaha eight-or-better for advanced players offer basic information on each game, which allows you to understand both games and choose the most suitable one.

  • A good book to get started with both games
  • Practical information
  • Valuable Q&A section
  • Stud section is more developed than Omaha (advantage for some players)
  • Outdated writing style
  • Lack of specific information (like starting hands and probabilities)
  • Too much general knowledge
  • Slightly misleading title (as it is more for beginners than advanced players)
User Rating: 3 (1 vote)

High-Low-Split Poker, Seven-Card Stud and Omaha Eight-Or-Better for Advanced Players, Ray Zee, Book ReviewThe High-Low-Split Poker Seven-Card Stud and Omaha Eight-or-Better for Advanced Players is excellent for anyone who is into these two games. Moreover, it also can help beginners who want to learn new games and improve their poker skills. Therefore, the content works for all types of players.

The two games mentioned here both share certain concepts. Thus, a player who knows how to play one game can easily bridge over to the next and grasp the gist of the game using this book.



The information discussed on the Seven-Card Stud Eight-or-Better chapters are as follows: 

  • starting hand
  • hand disguise on the third street
  • ace rising
  • fourth street
  • sixth street
  • seventh street
  • bluff

Other concepts also include staying to the end, position, fifth street, and scare cards, among others. 

On the other hand, mentions of the Omaha eight-or-better include:

  • general tips
  • position
  • starting hand
  • get counterfeit 

There are additional elements mentioned, which cover flop-on-play, multi-way versus short-hand play, low hands, scare cards, high hands, and how to play your hand, along with others.

Praise and Critique

Despite the book having its advantages, there are also some drawbacks — such as its out-of-date writing style. It needs to be revised in a more modern style to meet the needs of current gamers. The ideas on Omaha are not sufficient for the recent technology-dependent games of today. 

The text provides only basic information on Omaha and lacks more in-depth information that would be useful to know for advanced players.

On the other hand, it does give excellent basic knowledge of the game, which is vital for beginners to know. 

The book does present broad and exhaustive knowledge on seven-card stud eight-or-better. In addition, there is a question and answer section, which is very helpful. Thanks to the Q&A, you can understand better the essential information and ideas Ray Zee wants you to know. It also acts as an excellent summary of the thoughts and theories given.

The introduction of each chapter helps beginners to learn the necessary basics of the game. The Omaha 8 fundamentals presented are discussed well to help you build game understanding and show the differences between various strategies. 


I would recommend it to any beginner or intermediate players. The book covers basic frameworks of both Omaha and seven-card stud eight-or-better, which offers a valuable platform for players to grow and increase their skills in both games. Following the tips and strategies written here will enable you to understand the inner workings of the game.


When playing low-limit Omaha eight-or-better, if you are simply the tightest player both before the flop and on the flop, you have a significant edge. However, if the game is fairly good, you will cost yourself a lot of profit if you play too tightly before the flop. For example, an ace-deuce in a loose game is almost always profitable, even if your other cards are nothing special. This is because if the flop gives you a low or a draw to a low, other players with ace-trey or deuce-trey will draw to the second and third nuts.

When you play against players who obviously have hands roughly equal to yours and you seldom raise, you will be giving away too much information. Notice that you divulge something about your play by inaction as well as by action. When you do raise, your opponents will be able to put you on a big low hand or a high hand. So you have to do some raising or reraising when the hands appear roughly equal; otherwise you will be giving up too much of your deception. When your opponents have some doubt as to exactly what you hold, they may play improperly against you.

Book Details - High-Low-Split Poker, Seven-Card Stud and Omaha Eight-Or-Better for Advanced Players

  • Author: Ray Zee,
  • Number of Pages: 345 pages
  • Game/Theme: Seven-Card Stud and Omaha Eight-Or-Better
  • Live/Online: Both
  • Required Skill Level: Beginner
  • Format Available:  E-book, Paperback
  • Free with Kindle Unlimited: No
  • Free with Audible: No
  • Publication date: August, 1994
  • Languages: English
  • Publisher: 2+2


  1. Did the reviewer even read this book. Both the seven-card stud eight-or better section and the Omaha eight-or-better section both have numerous pages on starting hands.

    • Hi Mason,

      seems like a copy-paste error since the ‘starting hands’ chapter is mentioned in the ‘Summary’.

      Thanks for checking, we will re-review and correct it ASAP.

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